So seeing how times are changing our patterns of life a little and we are having to look for new ways to save money and help ourselves out more, here at UK Products we have put together various meal kits, picnics and special offers. We have tried to make kits that will save you the most, while at the same time giving you some helpful ideas of what to do for lunch times and meal times in general

Meal Kits, Picnics
Meal Kits, Picnics


Also seeing as spring is here and summer being just around the corner which we have all been waiting for. Plus that added luxury which we have craved for of restrictions being eased. We have put together some picnics that will make getting away for the day into the country side with those wonderful hills surrounding all around us or the many beautiful beaches that lay within short travels of us, just that little bit easier and of course saving you a little extra money along the way.

Keep up to date with our various special offers and all our latest news, we are always posting on our Facebook so drop by and give us a ‘Like’

Just remember meal kits, picnics and special offers.

If you ever have any enquiries, ideas, or just want to get in touch, we always want to hear… And if you are a business offering home delivery or know of a business we would love to hear about it. We are currently in the midst of collaborations with various establishments. in order to promote more and attract new customers. We are talking with various business to posting articles about the products or services they are offering. You can see more information and keep up to date with all the places we feature at our face book page Home Delivery